Friday, May 29, 2009


Have you ever imagined when your watching television or sinema that you were there, the one who were acting for the film you've been dreaming of? Having the opportunity to be with the celebrity that you've been dying to be with? Guess you've been wondering how life may seem if you were the leading character of the story... Well to tell you honestly, people wasn't aware of everything about the real movie in the real world. After you have read this article perhaps you may realize that things you've been dreaming would be posible and that you were a real movie star!

Every one of us have our own movie and our story. It is a thing we called "Life" as we journey, it is a never ending adventure that you never wanna missed every single detail of it. As we go further, we learn a lot of things... about ourselves, about those people around us, and about our environment that affects our behavior as human. In our movie, we don't need camera men to shoot every detail of the things we do, people can watch us without any movie pass, live and true... there would be scripts also but though you can make you're own story. Sometimes we may choose what kind of blockbuster movie hit we have to do in every aspect of our life and daily living.

We may choose the romantic movie when someone comes along that we truely love, other ends with such happy ending like what do cinderella, snow white and other stories does, that ended with "happily ever after" quotation. Other ends with heartaches and pain, and others may also be a tragedy where Shakespeare is the best of it! On the other hand, it takes a little bit of drama, action, comedy and suspense. Whatever it is, we are the living character in the story of our own movie.

As to the real movie industry, a chosen character is motivated and trained to get the mastery of his role, and to make a good performance on the actual screen. We as the main character, were trained by our dear parents from birth until we had reached thar right age to perform our duties and responsibilities not only as a child but as human being as well-- cultured, motivated, and inspired.

As making or taking our role, we try to be the best of it, but were aren't that perfect and made mistakes several times... a series of certain "cuts" and try to make another take until we've got the best shot. Mistakes which were considered cuts that help us mold things up and learning from them, making an effort to overcome all the difficulties, obstacles, and challenges. But as long as we live, there's always been a second chance or more to make the wrong things we've done right. Scripts were sometimes given to us as manual that will provide us good guidance and advices like the holy bible, inspirational, and other self-steem improving books, which would be the best material we can ever posses that will guide us on playing our role as good individual having the best character throughout the movie scene.

Director is the one who manipulates the movie and make things out good and done it properly. Producer were the one who provide us what we need, financially and other factors. Our director and producer is the Almighty God, who helped us to direct the path we have to be travelling, He produces us things which cannot be provided by other, it might be materially and spiritually. He never Leaves us until the end of the movie, and continue motivating its casts to make and perform the good one.

Our parents, were the co-director and co-producer of God. They were the one who brings us into this world, in a world of movie industry, working together hand-in-hand with God. They had built up one of the factors that contribute to our overall personality. With them we can find sense of belongingness and can find the unconditional love we need. They continue assisting us, correct our errors or mistakes, forgive us from our faults and discipline us when needed. So to be good a performer, we are all obliged to listen to our directors and producers, who were patiently trains us to be a better star.

Assistants were those people who were helping us to do things as they have to be. In a movie industry, they were the fashion designers, art and music directors, writers, coreographers, graphic artists, motion picture designers and others. They contribute something which is intangible. They do things which products of their efforts can be seen in the actual screen play, they give life and light, and make the performance complete and attractive by adding different concepts that can make the movie good and real as a whole.

Movie can never be as good without love. Even the most terrifying horror movies embodied with love. It is the part of the story where every viewer can relate! Perhaps you have watched a movie having the same or almost the same love story as yours. Yes it makes the movie meaningful and gives life to the story.

Once in a while you’ve met someone whom you think is the best for you. For once in a while you will find someone who will love you the same way that you do. Everyone does fall in love! Even villains do fall in love too! And falling in love is the greatest feeling we had and the most beautiful part in the movie we had. This romantic stage in our life will taught us many things, on what is the feeling of loving and being loved, the feeling of loosing and hurting, the feeling of falling and stumbling and also taught us how to rise beyond the pain, trials, and heartaches.

In this romantic phase, you will realize how do Cinderella found by his Prince charming, how Romeo falls for his Juliet, why Jack and Rose have to be apart and why does Samson and Delilah wasn’t for each other.

There are times we may say “Hi” to our first love then all of a sudden say “Goodbye” then lately will entertain another lover and so forth. Love is a continuous cycle; we never tired of loving and loosing someone until we had found our true love. There are times we may say he/she is the “one” then lately realized he/she isn’t. But don’t loose hope because there’s always someone out there waiting for you to come around. Remember, what ever heartache may bring into you, always learn to let go…you may not understand why things would have to be that way on the first place, and there’s so much to questions to asked without further answers, but as you go on, take time to heal the wound and you will then realized that everything happens for a reason and that you deserve better, so as you’ll find the answers of all your questions perfectly. As you may find the right one for you cherish and treasure the memories you have together do your best to make your relationship worth holding for. Yes, love really makes the world go round!

A storyboard is a series of drawings and sketches depicting various sequence of the film. It is a so-called blue print of a movie that saves time and putting a movie into a good direction.

Same as to the real-life, there’s a saying that “a man with no dream is a man without direction”. Storyboard is our “dreams”, a series of goals, visions, and objectives of an individual. It serves as a natural blueprint in every aspect of our daily lives; this shows what we want to have and to be in the future. In attaining our dream—either it might be a small, simple or big dream—we have to do something and endure everything to achieve what we want. Dreaming is free! You may dream as many as you wanted, and as high it may seem, but you don’t have sit on a corner and wait for that dream to come true, instead, set some goals and standards and work for it everyday, step by step and little by little.

Your dream is something that lies behind the valley of thorns, before you may reach it, you must be willing to sacrifice and work hard for it—you have to take the courage to fight for it and travel to endure and struggle all obstacles, pits and traps, pain and trials. In order to be a great survivor, you have to equip yourself tools or weapons that would help you to fight! You have the skills, talents, and strength, freewill, vision and ability that will serve as your tools and will put you into the direction directly to your success.

If you’ve got the fighting spirit, you can make it through. Being a winner is not the matter of not experiencing any downfall but on how you rise on every fall you encountered. Giving up is no good. Holding on though dreams seem so far will lead you to take a one step closer. You will just wake up someday realizing that you were holding the trophy of success.

Others may try to discourage and laugh at your dream, but don’t get disappointed instead take it as a challenge to prove them your worth, and you were here for a reason. If you succeeded and passed on a valley of thorns, you may reach then for your reward at hand, and now prizes are on your reach! When you were at the top, always thank God for all the blessings and guidance ant to those people who helped you and always remember…be humble and also find some ways to help your fellow to get the chance to reach for their own stars too, the same way as you do!

And to all these concerns, having the Directors and Producers, Assistants, Cast of Characters, Love interest, Storyboard and Leading character (which is you), continue to shine like star and be the model to all as far as you can. Prove your worth as a person and as a movie star. Continue to touch others’ lives and furnish them with lessons, ideas and good examples to find their way to their own great movie too! A very meaningful movie and a never-ending story you called… LIFE!

May 24, 2005
06:12 pm

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