Monday, November 1, 2010

"Fight, Fight, Fight!"

Have you ever felt once in your life that you feel like you are lacking something?!
You did your best but it wasn’t good enough?!
You devoted your whole time but you feel like everything turns different and you feel the weakness inside you?!
Well, you are not alone because we feel the same way too... Lots of things had been different now and still keep on changing.

Last Friday my fellow believers discussed about it. At first I think I’m the only one feel spiritually weak, but as we opened up we almost feel the same way!

So we talked things over on how to get back on tract and keep going. And as the first step, we decided to visit a paralyzed brother for 10 years and who’d been in service as a Special Pioneer for 20 years for him to be strengthened and for us to be strengthened too!

Saturday afternoon, we did the first step. We went to their condominium to visit him.

His wife’s (Sister De Castro) smiling face welcomes us, and as we entered to Brother De Castro’s room his face was lighted and was so glad to meet us. He was laying on his bed, but full of joy! He’s a happy person and I can see how active he was before with the way he talks and his gestures. His words are vivid and strengthening! He tells us some of his experiences he had encountered during those bountiful years in Palawan where he was assigned.

We asked him what are the worst cases he had encountered during his ministry, and to our surprise he told us “Those are the things I don’t want remember, because I only keep the good experiences in mind”, and yes, he’s right! He talks as if those things are happened only yesterday and freshly stored in his mind.

We also asked him if did he ever felt weakness on his ministry, he told us that those feeling are common to servants and that’s normal, but though his activities had been limited he still have the strong determination to keep his faith as strong as he could. He told us to “KEEP ON FIGHTING” (1 Timothy 6:11) because there is no witness who is weak, we all have to be strong, and that’s the reason why he keeps on going despite his condition.

He quoted most of the talks we had in Kingdom Hall and most Magazines had published and even videos of the organization where Christians are viewed as runners, yes, we are all runners to gain the price of an everlasting life. The only difference in this sport is that fellow Christians are not competitors but acquaintances, we don’t need to be fast to finish first… there’s no matter weather we win or we lose, the most important thing is that we stay strong, keep going and keep struggling until we reach the finish line because in the end we still get the same prize.

Our spirituality lighted up as we hear those words of encouragement from him, and we are so glad that we did this wonderful step to visit him. As we walked away from their home, our weak spirituality was strengthened, and admires his positive attitude. Learning the truth that no matter what happened we have to fight negative thoughts and awaken the positive attitude we have inside.

As a conclusion… Think positive, be strong.. “FIGHT! FIGHT!” because Jehovah is here all the time to strengthen us (1 Peter 5:10)