Wednesday, September 27, 2017


Yes, you read it right. These are failed expectations but turns lovely overtime. So let me tell you how does it happened.

Woman are hopeless romantics, we dream a lot of sweet things that our man can do. We long for surprises, sweet social media posts, flowers and chocolates and a lot of fancy things. When we are being bragged, we felt so secure, definitely have "long hair"!

But, does these really matter? Does these measures good intentions?

Before, for me it does. Practically speaking, if a man does these things to a woman, he definitely wanted to make his woman happy. But lately I have learned, not all men think that way.

Joseph and I have been together for couple of months now and learned a lot of things from him, and how does some men like him really thinks. These ideas might upset some women, but I call these extraordinary =) So let me enumerate some failed expectations that turns out lovely.

He never play surprises, perhaps it's because he doesn't want to take chances and unsure of what really matters to me. But what he does, he asks what I really wanted and make sure I can definitely have it with extra other stuffs alike.

He never posts anything sweet in social media. It's not because he's not expressive but definitely because he's not a fan of social media. He can even survive without it and the last time he logged in is when he updated his relationship status with mine and stay online for only a minute! Instead of spilling sweet thoughts from the social media and tell everybody how he feels towards me online, he rather prefer to introduce me to his friends and close relatives personally. Spend time with me and my friends rather than exchanging comments and reactions with them online. And I think this is much sweeter than anything else😊

He never send me flowers and chocolates. As expected, this should never be missed during the courting stage, but with him, though he's aware of it, I guess he never had plans of doing this! I don't exactly know the reason behind this, but perhaps he was thinking I'd rather choose food on my table over flowers which will wither too soon and chocolates which will make me sick. And if I were to choose, I'd choose fruiquet for a healthier option! I believe in the old saying that "the easiest way to a mans heart is through his stomach", and I'm also thinking that he's a great believer on that. He never sends chocolates but he generously filled me with number of sweet delicacies from the places he'd been, send me bucket of fruits, food on a lunch box that it even took me weeks to eat it all. But take note, he doesn't like the idea that I'll gain weight. Very ironic isn't it?

He never take me to movies. It's too fancy imagining him with me and my friends to go into a movie and have dinner together, but it's not our thing. It's not a problem with him going out but we prefer outdoor activities together. We met in the mountain and we will get to know more of each other in mountains too =) He climbs with me and runs with me. I remember the first time he joins me to run, I challenged him to a 10K run then Iater I've learned that it was his first time! He got his muscles swollen the day after. I felt sorry for him and felt guilt within, but I feel special at the same time, thinking that he could make such sacrifices just support where I'm happy at. He promised that from that moment on, he'll join in every outdoor activities I have. Surpricingly, he remains consistent and true to his words. Yes, he never take me to movies but this is absolutely more of a lifetime adventure!

He doesn't hold my hand in public, but he sincerely asks my parents approval and gain pogi points from my friends. Love is something more of showing physical affection, it is also measured on how a man stands for you and no matter how shy he is, he got the courage to prove his good intentions.

I therefore conclude, an ideal relationship doesn't likely to happen what you have hoped for, it is more of how you embraced what is being genuinely given and stop daydreaming. Yes, I prayed that someone will come along, but never in my life I imagined that this will happen to me and I got to know him. An answered prayer indeed! Things happening are not exactly what I had hoped for, but I feel so blessed because God gave me someone more than I deserve and more than I had prayed for😊