Monday, June 24, 2013

A Living Toy

I often hear about the saying “Dogs are Mens Best Friend” but a facebook page changes the idea in it, “Dog’s are Family”

I’m not writing this stuff not just because I love dogs, but because I saw something special in them that humans can imitate.

Before, I was so scared being alone at home without my brothers in the background, I bought a puppy with my boyfriend, and we named him Tootie – because  he has noticeably sharp tooth and he make use of it to the fullest! Biting bones, shoes, slippers, books, cd’s, mobile phone chargers, hangers...  and everything he feel like biting, never mind about the cost due to his biting vices… He messed up most of the time at home and my brothers feel like he’s burdensome attitude stress them to the highest level :D

There come a time when I just wanna take him out of the apartment and exile him to Tarlac. But no matter how we scold him or beat him (for a lesson due to his misbehavior), he’s “paawa effect style” ruins everything, and you can’t help it but forgive him… No matter how hard you are, and even you don’t give him food as punishment, he did his job from guarding your home, cuddles you unexpectedly, put his head and lean unto you, and do all he can just to please you… Whenever I’m stressed out from my daily routine at work, he absorbs it like a sponge instantly! When I feel down, he comforts me without a word (coz he can’t talk anyway.. he only know how to bark, hahaha) and he always know how to behave when it is needed.

It’s so amazing how a living creature like them can touch lives in an indefinite manner. Jehovah really made them for a purpose.

For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. -Romans 1:20

June 25, 2013