Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Wind Up Knight's Great Little Thoughts

I downloaded this "Wind-Up Knight" application on my mobile phone about a year ago, and some of the tips it taught me still stocked in my mind that helped me positively and I also wanna share it with you and may remind you as well :)

So let’s start this up with:

And that’s right! I wonder why women have to wear excessive make-up? I remember what my officemate told me “who in the world had invented make-up?”, because as far as we are both concerned, we hate the fact that the Store Manager’s had implemented “No make-up, No Entry” policy since we never wanted wearing make-up at all. And we are in the state of calamity! Hahaha.. I know, make-up makes one’s working environment more formal and presentable, but would it make it more formal and presentable if it’s excessive? I don’t think so… So every day of our lives at work we have to make battles like a skirmish with guards on duty about our make-up letting them to notice that we have make-up on and they just don’t notice :D

And yes, natural beauty is such a pride!

This is one of the rules I had never mastered! I always love to talk, and when it comes to argument, I always wanted to talk first to insist I've got the right point… But I always end up losing and opens a new door for argument. Whew! And this made me realize, you've got a point here dear, but I just couldn't take it and made me feel vulnerable. I guess at this point, I also have to lower down my pride. Guy’s who let their woman talk first are considered gentlemen, but when a woman let her man talks first, she made him feel important to her. Weather my point is right or wrong, I really have to give way. So, which one are you going to choose?

Writing journals got most of my time during high school and college years. Whenever I felt lonesome, writing my thoughts in my Journal had been my outlet to outburst my hidden emotions.  But as time passed by, I decided to resign from it. Reading all over again made me feel sad about my troubles from the past and brings out the emptiness I felt way back then, a negative nostalgia runs into my veins and it doesn't made me feel better at all. So I decided to quit even writing the happiest moments of my life, thinking that it will made me feel sorry if those moments I have and shared with the people who are dear to me and they leave suddenly. But this tip made me realized something important from keeping a journal, and in a positive way. If I just keep on writing good things in it, thus, when I try to look back and scribble the pages all over again, it will made me feel blessed and how my life had been wonderfully made. What a good thought it could be!

Today, you are left by traditions if you won’t wear miniskirts or seductive dress. But as the bible say’s in 1 Timothy 2:9, 10
Likewise I desire the women to adorn themselves in wellarranged dress, with modesty and soundness of mind, not with styles of hair braiding and gold or pearls or very expensive garb, but in the way that befits women professing to reverence God, namely, through good works.”

Very practical wisdom! Little did some woman realized, they had been verbally abused because of their poor way of implementing dress standard for themselves. Some thinks that wearing attractive dress makes them feel attractive and sexy but it always end up being attractive to possible negative comments and responses. So girls, I you want to be respected, dress-up respectfully:)

Do I still have to explain it further? Ephesians 6:1-3 has it all..

“”Children, be obedient to ​YOUR​ parents in union with [the] Lord, for this is righteous:  “Honor your father and [your] mother”; which is the first command with a promise: “That it may go well with you and you may endure a long time on the earth””

Who wants a lousy partner anyway? Can you imagine yourself screaming for help and your “so-called-Light-in-Shining-Armored-Prince” has got nowhere to find and had run away right before you? Of course the strength we are considering doesn’t only come with the physical strength but also strong in handling relationship and strong spiritually. He had the ability to control over women’s outrageous behavior, and driving through the right path of relationship.

These are the little thoughts I found interesting in that application, and can accomplish great things when it should be applied... but of course though these can gave ample of advises  still the best one where we can get reliable facts, tips and rules always comes from the word of God, the Bible… Take time to read it sometimes, your eyes won’t hurt, promise:)

June 25, 2013


Monday, June 24, 2013

A Living Toy

I often hear about the saying “Dogs are Mens Best Friend” but a facebook page changes the idea in it, “Dog’s are Family”

I’m not writing this stuff not just because I love dogs, but because I saw something special in them that humans can imitate.

Before, I was so scared being alone at home without my brothers in the background, I bought a puppy with my boyfriend, and we named him Tootie – because  he has noticeably sharp tooth and he make use of it to the fullest! Biting bones, shoes, slippers, books, cd’s, mobile phone chargers, hangers...  and everything he feel like biting, never mind about the cost due to his biting vices… He messed up most of the time at home and my brothers feel like he’s burdensome attitude stress them to the highest level :D

There come a time when I just wanna take him out of the apartment and exile him to Tarlac. But no matter how we scold him or beat him (for a lesson due to his misbehavior), he’s “paawa effect style” ruins everything, and you can’t help it but forgive him… No matter how hard you are, and even you don’t give him food as punishment, he did his job from guarding your home, cuddles you unexpectedly, put his head and lean unto you, and do all he can just to please you… Whenever I’m stressed out from my daily routine at work, he absorbs it like a sponge instantly! When I feel down, he comforts me without a word (coz he can’t talk anyway.. he only know how to bark, hahaha) and he always know how to behave when it is needed.

It’s so amazing how a living creature like them can touch lives in an indefinite manner. Jehovah really made them for a purpose.

For his invisible [qualities] are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship, so that they are inexcusable. -Romans 1:20

June 25, 2013