Tuesday, September 29, 2009

My Man… My Hero…

I can’t remember the day when he first held my hand but I remember the feeling behind it. I can’t remember the time when he leads me into the right way but I cherish the benefit of it my whole life. I can’t remember how many times he had to suffer just for me but I can still feel the love he was giving. I can’t remember how many times he strengthen my soul but still I remember what good example he showed that made me of who I am. I can’t remember how many times he fed me patiently but I want to do the same thing beginning today until I have him. Since the beginning of my story he had loved me unconditionally and I will love him more than forever can offer.

If only Gennies are true. I’m going to search the whole edge of the earth just to find that lamp or bottle where they lives and take that lifetime opportunity to make a wish to extend the life on the one I love. And if I could have wish at this very moment, that is to keep my hero’s life.

Am I being selfish?! Having him around is the most precious gift we could ever cherish. His smile brings joy to a stressed mind. His laughter means a thousand chocolates which melts the heart.

My Heroine had passed 14 years ago. Yes, it was awful and I can still feel how much it hurts me when I think about it. Undeniably, I miss her so much! But my Heroine is just sleeping silently waiting for that day to come and she’ll rise up again (1 John 5:28, 29). But if another hero raises his hand and surrender to the last enemy, that’s unbearable!

A month ago, my hero was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer after having operated due to Acute Appendicitis. I poured so much prayer for him, and oh… my friends and relatives poured so much prayers too! And I’m glad he’s still alive and kicking.

Maybe I should have to start counting the days… But I won’t. That hurts so much… Counting the days left feels like stabbing my figurative heart everyday and I’ll die first just before he’ll say goodbye.

For the mean time, while he’s still here… All I wanna do is to hug him tight and made him feel that he was loved.

My Man, May Hero, My Grandpa Isko don’t have wings but like a super Hero he rescues me whenever I need him. He favors everyone equally, he give fairly, and love unconditionally without asking anything in return – that’s pure love that I wanna imitate.

Simple things he did when I was little like carrying me on his back to cross the river for me not to soak up in water, leaning against me when mom beats me, secretly giving me money when mom and dad aren’t looking, assists me while joining him to ride on his dear Cow’s back, teaching me how to harvest peanuts and corns, manage to give a massage when my head aches, cook food for me, wash my little dirty hands and feet, utter a prayer with him before we eat and we go to sleep, stay beside me when I’m afraid, sit and take time to tell stories how good is Jehovah God and above all strengthening my spirituality when I’m about to give up, means so much to me and I treasure those moments like precious stones.

Suffering from Prostate cancer is not that easy. He changed a lot, physically, but I admire how he handles things. Out of those painful moments, he still manages to smile and listen to our boring stories. If we can only divide the aches he had, he never had to feel the pain at all, but prayer is all we can do, hoping that God will keep him alive a little longer.

But if that fortuitous event will happen, I’ll just close my eyes, smile and dreamt of a paradise with my two heroes positively.

September 29, 2009

Thursday, September 24, 2009


Friendship doesn’t occur overnight nor can’t it be measured how many times you have fun together. Real friendship comes out when they are there to give a helping hand in difficult times. (Proverbs 17:17)

In this wicked world where peace is so abundant, you will find such happiness with true friends ready to share every detail of their lives. Age, status, and differences are not counted but poured with deep respect and unconditional love. As other proverbs said, you cannot live without them…

When I started serving Jehovah a lot of my so-called-friends started pull away from me and even the whole class at school turned against me. My life is so miserable that time the fact that I had established my mind with my friends but then again, I’m alone after all. But there were few people who never turn their backs on me. I found my home in them and I’m so glad I found them!

During my teenage years I treat Kingdom Hall as my new home, where I feel like I’m a part of a Big Family, and until now… I’ve never been wrong! Things changes and there were some who come and go but that doesn’t break the ties we had, Trust and Faith has been our greatest foundation!

Now that I graduated in college, I treat Kingdom Hall as my New School! Moving from other Congregation make me feel like I’m a transferee, who needs adjustments and new set of friends. But I am amazed with the friendship I had with those people over there with different personalities. My life had been complete and I never felt that I’m alone - I’m not with my biological family this time but everyone made me feel that I belong to a BIG-HAPPY-FAMILY! I had numerous Grandmas, Grandpas, Mommies, Daddies, Brothers and Sisters in the congregation… And words are not enough to thank them for the unconditional love they shown me and everything they taught me that I need to know.

They are so protective yet so comforting! I can’t remember nor can’t count the times I have to hold an uncontrolled laughter, chasing one another, strengthening faith, sharing knowledge, walking in the ministry together, numerous tears that they had wiped out, simple taps on my back and above all doing pure and plain nonsense things but still all these means everything!

They are there willing to give a helping hand with a joyful heart, without thinking twice, and without asking something in return.

I can’t imagine how my life would be without them - taking them away from me means taking away that precious “little piece of paradise” I had in me.

September 24, 2009

Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Managing time is such a very tough job for me... In mathematics, identifying time would be so easy like ABC's but in real life?! It never was for me. If I were to ask what would be the first wish among my list excluding everything about myself and my family, it would be to extend the day twice! It sounds funny, right?! Come to think of it- a day composed of 24 hour straight, regardless of the fact if you want to slow down everything to rush everything, time is constant! It was never been extended.. with that, the whole world is rushing! Try this simple mathematics:

An average person can sleep for 8hrs a day, so the remaining hrs he had to spent for his whole day activity would be 16hrs.. In the morning when he wakes up he had to spent at least 2hrs to fix himself to go to work, cook and eat food and he's ready! So, 16hrs less 2 hrs. is 14hrs. The next 1 hour, he had to spent it traveling to his workplace. Then 9 hours working in the office inclusive of his "1-hour-Lunch Break". Then go back home again and travel for an hour.. So, before going to sleep again, what shall he do for the remaining 3hrs including time to eat for his dinner?! Watch TV, sit back and relax, talk to his family, play video games, read publications?! Hectic huh?!

What can you say if he's working for 6 days a week?! well he still have one day for a day-off/rest-day.. but what if that rest day would turn out to be the time when he has to wash his clothes, take a grocery for the whole week, and clean his home... whew?! tiring!? do you think he could still take time for anything else?!

Now the question is this...


Yes, you have to care about it.. This is everyone’s lifestyle today. Sleep-work-Sleep... Everyday is a routine, but don’t let your life will rule that routine. Working is so productive and it'll help you survive financially but it doesn't mean you have to focus on it. How about taking time to utter a little prayer every time you woke up, before you eat your meal, when you are down, when you are happy and right before you go to sleep? Would it be a BIG disturbance or delay on your so-busy-life schedule?!

Have you ever watched the Movie "Bruce Almighty"?! It would make you realize how busy God was but He take time to listen to everybody in the whole world. How and why He did it? Its because of love!

Being focus only on your own benefit would made you a selfish person, be generous and exercise the "nine fruitage of the spirit" (love, joy, peace, long suffering, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self control - Galatians 5:22).

Why don't you take a sit with a friend and have some coffees? Or take time to read the Bible? Or give a hand to someone in need? Being generous doesn't mean that you have to give material in all means, but there's something in your own simple ways you can contribute something that will change lives into a better one..

More than 7million people in this world do that whole heartedly... No one asks for it but they are willing to devote their lives and offer help in a different way that is more of a treasure. Those people who take time to talk to you no matter how hard you try to ignore them, took them for granted, and no matter how hard you try to hide or stay away from them, they still keep on seeking for your attention for your own benefit that you never even dare to recognize. They wanted to help you, and love urge them to do that.. A pure love that never asks anything in return but time. Why don't you try talk to them and listen for that "2 minutes" that they are asking for whenever they knock at your door?! You won't loose anything, yet you will gain something for free... and in fact you will cherish it for the rest of your life.. That 2-minute-talk will change everything.

With that 7 million people tirelessly knocking at your door, distributing bible tracts in the streets, parks, transport vehicles and in every corner of the world, have their own lives too! Like an average working man who has the same set of schedule, they make time for everything especially for that life saving virtue. When they woke up, they allot at least 5minutes to read daily bible text and utter prayer. Within that one hour travel to and from work, they make time to talk to anyone who listens beside them in the buses, trains, and terminals and spread the good news.. During 1 hour break they never loose any opportunity to share a little bit of "life-saving knowledge" to their workmates. When they went home, they spent the remaining 3 hours with their family inculcating in the minds of their little children how does the love for Jehovah will help them to love others too! And at some point they join the early evening witnessing to reach the people who are seldom to find during the day at home.

When taking their day-offs or rest day, instead of enjoying the time sleeping for long hours, they woke up early to do the household chores and immediately run to their perspective territories to join the house to house preaching and was very pleased to visit who shows interest in learning the Bible with their family or set of friends. The time of these individuals never waste anytime to help just to fulfill what Matthew 24:14 says that the good news will be spread to all those inhabited on earth and in 1 Timothy 4:16 (Pay constant attention to yourself and to your teaching. Stay by these things, for by doing this you will save both yourself and those who will listen to you). That is called unselfish love.

Despite these hectic and so-busy-life schedule these 7 million individuals doesn't mean that they never had time to enjoy and indulge themselves to be happy, in fact they are happy every time they serve Jehovah and the people even though they also had encountered numerous ups and downs and even persecuted... they never give up! They put faith and trust in Jehovah that He will never took them for granted (Isaiah 42:0) but can you can do the same thing!

"TIME IS GOLD!" that's what the world was thinking but with these 7 million people says: "TIME IS LIFE!"

We are full of life's frustration, several ups and downs, and everything goes but though in this depressed world where you can hear nothing but bad news, you can still find light in the darkness- and the good news is just right knocking upon your door waiting to be opened... So next time when a Jehovah's Witness knock at your door, dare to open... PROMISE "they don't bite nor hurt you neither!"

September 14, 2009