Sunday, October 25, 2009

Song that Inspires

Being a teacher is a difficult job, especially if nobody was listening :(
Someone has to take out all of its remaining energy though throat had been so dry and exhausted, hoping that someone will take an effort to cling its lazy eardrum to absorb some facts being taught several times...

If you were in that situation... will you posibbly give up?! raise the red flag and ready to surrender?! Let those people suffer for the consequences for not listening?!

well, take this inpirational song that will help you accomplish what Matthew 24:14 required us to do...

Sing Praises to Jehovah
Song Number 070

"Make Sure of the More Important Things"
(Philippians 1:10)


How great our need today for discernment,
To know the things that are true,
To know which things have greater importance,
To know which things we must do!
Love what is good; Hate what is bad.
Make God’s heart glad;
Find all the joy that it brings. Always pray;
Study each day.
Yes, may we do these important things.


And what could be of greater importance
Than sharing Kingdom good news,
To find our Father’s lost little sheep,
And to help them his way to choose?
They need to hear; They need to know.
Oh, may we show
Love for our neighbors and help them to see,
Help them get free!
Preaching is such an important thing.


If we take care to do what’s important,
Our faith will make us secure.
We’ll know the peace beyond human thinking
And keep our hope ever sure.
True friends we’ll find; True love we’ll know.
This love will grow.
Oh, what rich blessings it brings when we learn,
When we discern,
And when we do the important things!


Today, I decided something that I know it will change my whole life. I set aside those things that bugging me. Once I made that choice I will go for it! I wont allow anything, even negative opinions - I won't entertain.

My "dream" is just waiting in front of me like a plant, waiting to be cultivated. And once I'll give it a try and make the best out of it, I know in its own beautiful time, it will provide a wonderful flower even surrounded by negativity.

A lotus flower is known to be one of the most pleasant flower on earth. It lives on dirty swamps or even in polluted bodies of water, but still, it continuously bear flowers. Like a lotus I will try everything to make my dream come true not just a mare dream... but something to make it happen! And just in case I failed to accomplish my oath/vow or maintain it - I will accept it with all my heart and without a doubt, that at least once in my life I try to dare myself into a most fulfilling task and give my 100%, despite the opinions, despite the time...

Now, I'm comming!

October 15, 2009